Author: leslie

  • Designing A Narrative: Insight Into Post Company’s Original Interior Collection

    Designing A Narrative: Insight Into Post Company’s Original Interior Collection

    Finding elegant and functional interior design pieces that work in harmony with a space can feel like a treasure hunt. It’s a journey of discovery that many people undertake with care and passion. With Post Company’s new Post Collection, the pursuit of special authentic interior items becomes much easier but no less compelling. The collection…

  • When Jewelry and Interior Design Intertwine

    When Jewelry and Interior Design Intertwine

    How interior design and architecture can inspire other art forms like jewelry design. DesignSpec Co-Founder Fiona Sanipelli interviews Italian-American jewelry designer living in New York City, Suna Bonometti to discuss the artist’s inspiration and influences.

  • How Interior Designers Are Using AI

    How Interior Designers Are Using AI

    Image Created Using AI From Archi….. With the latest development of artificial intelligence (AI), creative industries are experiencing a true revolution. We’re still unsure how this will affect humanity long term, but it has undoubtedly brought significant transformations to interior design. AI technologies are revolutionizing the way designers conceptualize, create, and execute their ideas. DesignSpec…